Hari ni rasa nak buat benda ni la...
Xtaw dah nak tulis ape dah..
Nothing in my mind..
Just want to share my print screen...
Bukan nak cakap pasal BMW ni..
Myb another day la I talk about BMW..

U see....
My taskbar so big rite....
This is my favourite position..
Just set the appearance the taskbar auto hide..
Before this, i put it on top but i think at left is better la...
Easy for me to catch it...
To me la..
Myb not to you..
"Gune Vista same-same, Tapi, laen orang len task bar" haha..

Can u think what is there <<<<<... Too much IM.. 5 IM there... Huhu.. 2 yahoo messenger (VISTA & BETA)... 1 skype... 1 google talk... 1 window live messenger... I think i want to add 1 or 2 IM again..huhu..always online all IM.. Biar penuh skrin aku..haha.. 1 mane cukup kan..Bukan tamak tapi mampu..(bukan pencinta IM ek!)

Ni plak object dock...
Aku ni xsuke screen aku penuh dengan icon-icon ni..
Bikin serabut je..
Lau ade folder atau shortcut game ke Aku letak kat c2 la..
Make it easy..
Aku wat auto hide jgak..
Smua auto hide..
Screen aku mcm 1st pic td la..
Tp camne pon Islam Always Inside..

Yang ni pon hampir same dengan object dock tapi name die rocketdock.. Soo smart...
Aku x adjust lagi la die punya icon..
Nanti la nak download icon baru...
my wallpaper not like that, I just change it for a while...cant share with others..haha..sorry ekk..
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